CAD Updates
Today we finally reached a point with multiple systems to create our top level Solidworks assembly and add in the subsystems.
There are still a few subsystems to add but we are now working with most of the subsystems in one place with them mated in space. None of the subsystems are complete but each of the sub-teams is working on getting closer to real models for every part.
Public STEP File
We have published a STEP file of our current progress on GrabCAD. Remember that none of this robot is actually built and much of it is still in development so we don’t recommend anyone using this design directly but we happily encourage teams to take inspiration from our progress and make versions of your own based on our CAD.
We plan to upload a new STEP about once a week through out the rest of the season. If you haven’t seen it updated in a while feel free to message us and we will try to get a new one made when we can.

Source: Spectrum