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Day 10: CAD progressing even further

Here is a portion of the CAD we have done for the robot. The drive train and a portion of the intake will get their Rev 1 versions sent to our laser cut sponsors tomorrow to be made so we can get it setup on the practice robot to make sure everything is correct before we run the production models. Intake compression distances and belt lengths will be critical in making a blazing fast intake for this many balls.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow evening at 6 CT (7 ET) for check_in on RoboSports Network.

We will have video from this past weeks prototypes and interviews with several of our design team leads on how their subsystems are progressing.

Tomorrow will be our full week recap post where we will break down the progress on each of our subsystems.

– Spectrum

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. — Edsger W. Dijkstra

Source: Spectrum