We were working through the list of improvements that we saw from last night’s testing. We moved the polycord guides and that seemed to fix the jamming problem. We also riveted the guide rails and that made the shooter more accurate. We mounted the bridge device motor but not the device it self, that will come this week. The shooter hood needs to be refined to allow for more consistent shooting, we are planning to spring the hood forward so that the slack of the mount is taken up by the surgical tubing or other spring system.
We think the overheating issue with the Fisher Price motors is due to the CIM-sim blocking the air intake of the motors. We have a couple solutions in mind and we’ll make those changes when we make a few other shooter improvements on Monday.
We mounted the camera to the front of the robot to mostly just to make sure the mount will be sturdy enough with all the vibrations and impacts.
We also mounted more our sensors today. The potentiometers form Digi-Key came in last night so we made the mount for that so it can measure the angle of the shooter compression bar. We also mounted our IR range finders in the elevator these will let us know where the ball is on the elevator. We are using them similar to line break sensors but they provide a bit more feedback because you can actually detect the curvature of the ball.
FRC#3847: Bank Shot + Barrier from Spectrum 3847 on Vimeo.
– Allen Gregory
“I don’t know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody — somewhere — was practicing more than me.” – Bird, Larry